This webpage includes links to educational resources and other information that is frequently requested.
Community Resources
Suicide prevention
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 988 or text "MT" to 741-741.
Missoula City-County Health Suicide Prevention office: 406-258-3881
Project Tomorrow Montana: https://projecttomorrowmt.org/
Parenting support
Substance abuse support
Shatter Proof has resources to help those dealing with substance abuse disorder during this time of COVID.
Open Aid Alliance is providing peer support for recovery and substance use via phone and tele-health. Call 406-209-8375 or email mel@openaidalliance.org. Open Aid Alliance also provides harm reduction and overdose prevention supplies via mail or curbside delivery. Call 406-209-9805 or go to www.openaidalliance.org to submit a request.
Alcoholics Anonymous is holding some meetings via Zoom. More information is online at https://www.aa-montana.org/ and https://aa.org/.
AA hotline: 833-800-8553 -
Narcotics Anonymous has online meeting options: https://namontana.com
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Treatment Locator
Domestic violence support
Crime Victim Advocate Line: 406-258-3830 or visit the website for more communication options.
Missoula YWCA Crisis Line: 406-542-1944 or visit the website for more communication options.
Mental health support
Montana Crisis Recovery hotline: Montanans in need of crisis counseling can call 1-877-503-0833 to receive free and confidential counseling services from trained crisis counselors Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Partners in Health has advice for maintaining mental health while social distancing.
Western Montana Mental Health Center: 406-532-8949, www.wmmhc.org/reach-out-to-us
Montana Warmline (877-688-3377) is available 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday and noon to 9 p.m. on weekends for people with a mental illness who want to talk to a peer who is in recovery for their own mental illness.
Institute on Aging Friendship Line: 1-800-971-0016
Helping children understand: Licensed therapist Christine Borst has developed an e-book to help explain COVID-19 to children. Download it for free online.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Treatment Locator
You Are Not Alone: National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI) Mental Health Resources Guide for Missoula County
All Nations Health Center: Telehealth behavioral health appointments are available by calling 406-829-9515.
All-abilities support
Summit Independent Living provides services to help all individuals with disability remain as independent as possible.
BASE Missoula community center is offering virtual programming aimed at enriching life through the arts as well as assisting individuals in the pursuit of fun, education, employment and interdependence.
Provider support
Missoula Provider Support is a community group created to support Montana healthcare providers on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Veteran support
The Veteran Support Network of Montana has a comprehensive list of mental health resources for veterans on its website.
Stress relief and self care
The Learning Center at Red Willow is offering several free online courses, including stress relief, yoga, tai chi and more.
Partnership Health Center has compiled a page of self-care resources and exercises.
Tamarack Grief Resource Center has a variety of clinicians who provide individual and group counseling and offer several free online courses, including mindful moments, gentle movement, kids’ corner, and grief discussion and support workshops.
Online meditation and calming apps such Insight Timer and Calm can be helpful.